Wrapping Paper Game


Okay so if your looking for games to play with your group this one is always a big hit.  You can use it as a Christmas game by wrapping the ELF,  teacher, childcare provider, assistant or the parent. Then you may also make this a birthday party game by having all the kids wrap the birthday child.


1) I bought some tape, 2 rolls of wrapping paper and bows

2) Then I cut the wrapping paper into 7 sections each roll

3) I gave each child a roll of paper with the beginning end taped, sticky side in.

4) Tossed the bows on the floor

5) Had my assistant/ELF sit in the middle and off I said GO…. the rest was history but you can watch the video of these little peeps playing this game.

(Warning school age children get a little rambunctious playing this game)


Watch the video below