
Ornament Hook Alternative

Every year children and pets swallow ornament hooks so why use them at all?


Hook images below were found on Google.

Well I don’t use hooks because the safety of all children need to be first at all times no matter what the cost or the time it takes to achieve this  safety goal is in my house.

I run a family childcare and Pre-school so I’ve seen how curious children can be. They are always exploring, looking around, wanting to learn something new all the time. Well that’s great most of the time. However, holidays come and we forget that children are just children who want to see all the new pretty things you just put out so just when you think you have covered everything they will out smart you just as you only turned your back for a second.  Yes a second that’s all it takes for a child or a pet to eat a hook so why not just take danger out of the equation…RIGHT!  It’s SIMPLE JUST DO IT!

 First you will need some ribbon and scissors.

Once you have your ribbon you will need to cut it into 10″ lengths.



Now trash all those old ornament hooks so your not spending the night in the emergency room with a child who is bleeding internally.




Then tie your ribbon either in a bow like this:
20141214_110938 or tie it in a knot like this:


Hang it on the tree and call it a accident free day.

Here’s my knot video tutorial alternative to those dangerous holiday hooks.